Thursday, February 11, 2016

When you miss a class..

Remember that if you miss a workout, you can always burn calories in different ways throughout the day by adding extra exercises to your daily routine:

- adding squats while loading and unloading laundry, showering, cooking in front of the stove etc.

- while waiting in line: tighten your abs and do 12 side crunches each side (it will look like you're stretching your back while in line)

- carrying grocery bags? you can always add some bicep curls (lift bags by behind elbows, palms towards face) or lateral flies (shopping bag on each side, lift arms straight out to the side)

- parking away from said store, or doctor's office and walking further rather than parking close and walking only a little bit

- going to the 2nd or 3rd floor? Let's take the stairs! Better yet, jog up the stairs! (I like to have a race with myself - call me crazy! Ready set go!)

- I like to do calf raises while brushing my teeth sometimes, or even in the shower - assuming you take those.

- Watching TV? Why not stretch those legs out while watching the tube? 

- Grabbing a tennis ball under a side table or something low to the ground? My husband does a push-up on his way up from retrieving such small items. Why not do 5 while you're down there?!

-Waiting at a stop sign or red light in your car? Let's tighten down low and get some kegels in! That way when you do some tuck jumps, you won't feel like having to use the bathroom like sometimes do! 

- Baking something in the oven? Hold that squat low for 10 seconds before retrieving that turkey/baked sweet potatoe fries/whatever..

- Washing dishes? Might be awkward but come into a plie squat while in front of the sink..

- Have a baby? There's an exercise in itself! Lay on your back and do some arm work with your cutie.

- Are you next to a wall, waiting for the printer at work? Do some wall push-ups while waiting.

All these things don't have to be big, or even that many, but each little thing adds up in your day. So remember, it might look like you're a crazy person, but it's better than missing a workout entirely.

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