Monday, January 4, 2016

Why do we treat our bodies so terribly?

I'm currently detoxing deeply. In other words, I'm withdrawing from my chemical dependence from caffeine, sugar, and dairy. My body screams for caffeine. I'm working night shift and I'm jonesing for some coffee!!! It's all I can think about. It's what my headache blares in the back of my eye - a creepy chant of "Where's my coffee? Where's my coffee?" while placing small pinpricks of pain to the back of my skull. A bit melo-dramatic but it's true.

A thought occurred to me. I wouldn't be in this predicament if only I didn't put my body through this chemical depedence in the first place.

Why do we do the things we do to our bodies? We only get one. Why do we insist on mistreating it like we get new ones every other weekend like outfits. We don't. We get one body for this lifetime. We should take care of it. We should nurture it.

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