Friday, October 30, 2015

Is that kosher?

So last night, I went on a run. 2.15 miles and used the Nike app. No real preference. I think it came with my iPhone already installed? I'm not sure. 

My dilemma was to tag my new shoes or not. It is the Nike app. But I did not buy Nike shoes. Is that Kosher? It wouldn't automatically let me me choose other brands so I manually put it in? Has anyone else done this? Just curios. #firstworldproblems

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Runners - you might already know

In the fitness world, there are things you can go cheap on, but trust me on this:  

Don't skimp on your running shoes! Buying inexpensive shoes might work for a little while, but if you're truly going to get serious on running, might want to spend the money on some high quality kicks. First of all, going cheap might mean injuries to your feet, which will eventually travel up the body. First it will just be the feet, but after the initial injury, anything above the injury will try to compensate. That will mean knees will go next, and then hips, then your back. Don't let it get this far!

In Reno, we have the Reno Running Company. They perform a free gait analysis (you run 20 seconds on a treadmill with one of their neutral support shoes) to see what type of support your feet might need. It checks if you pronate your feet while running. It's not totally comprehensive as there are other things to look at, but if you're starting out, it's a great place to do so. 

And with that said.. I'll leave you with this note from my new kicks: 

Friday, October 23, 2015

To use Ankle Weights or Not to use Ankle Weights?

As with everything, there are pros and cons to using ankle weights.

  • Higher energy expenditure
  • Increase in strength
  • Greater Weight loss
  • Great for water/pool use to increase resistance
  • Joint loading
  • Can alter your gait
  • Can create muscle imbalances
  • Limited use

A few things to consider: Ankle weights should not be used by people who already have joint problems - knees, hips, etc. or are extremely overweight, as it can cause more damage than good. They're great for increasing resistance to your work out but make sure you've mastered the exercises without the ankle weights first - with your own body weight. Other options to amp up your work out is to add incline or speed (ie: on a treadmill, add hill climb or increase speed, instead of ankle weights). Also, it's not for every single exercise you do. Limit your use of ankle weights, as it will create strain, sprain, and injury if used ALL THE TIME. They're great for water aerobics (all the intensity without the joint problems),  Jane Fondas - fire hydrants, or donkey kicks - adding resistance to your workout, and any other leg workouts that you've mastered already!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Bird of Paradise

Okay. So you might have been in my Flow class before and have had to try 'Bird of Paradise' pose before. I'm going to TRY to break it down for you. Although, very funny and definitely amusing, giving yourselves handshakes under your crotch is simply NOT how it's done. :)

We can start in 'Extended Side Angle' pose, where we are in a deep lunge with Right foot in front, Left hand up and over. You are creating one straight line from Left hand to Left foot.

We're going to place that hand that's on top - Left hand to behind your low back for the bind. Left hand to low back will be our BALANCE version. This will work on your leg strength. 

If you want to step up a level, you can reach that Left hand (it's still behind you) towards the lateral or outside your Right hip. At the same time, you will bring your Right hand under Right knee (in front then under). Give yourself a handshake under your thigh (not your crotch!) closer to your Right knee. It can be just fingertips hooking on to each other, or a full handshake. This will be STRENGTH version and will work on leg strength and flexibility.

If you want to step up even further, you can step your back Left foot forward. Root your Left foot into the ground, then lift your Right leg into the air while you are still giving yourself that handshake. When you are steady and ready, straighten your Right leg, with the ultimate goal of pointing your Right foot toes. This will be your KAIA version which will challenge your leg strength, flexibility AND balance!

That's our ultimate goal! It may come as a surprise, but when I started doing yoga (in college, 10+ years ago), I could NOT do this pose! But with time and practice, and definitely patience, I'm working on the Kaia level of this attempting to totally straighten up my leg and point my toes! Practice practice practice! Or in our case, just show up to Flow class!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Be kinder to yourself

One day, after a class I had taught, someone was showing me pictures of their trip they took with another Kaia friend. This Kaia sister of mine was complimenting how beautiful our other Kaia sister was, but when I said, "You look beautiful too. See." She responded, "No, I look fat and terrible." I don't understand how some of us can see beauty in everything/everyone else except in ourselves. I see it all the time in Kaia, where one lady will compliment compliment compliment their Kaia sister, and in the same breath, turn around, say the complete opposite about themselves. 

I'd like to say that I'm immune to this twisted mentality but I'm not. We need to stop being negative, unkind, and hating ourselves ladies. This is good advice to everyone. 

I believe this stems from what we, in a society, value as a whole. As a society, we value thin waists, thin thighs, and big breasts - just look at our celebrities. Just because our society values these things, doesn't mean WE have to value these things. Being thin and weighing like a waifer does not equate to being healthy. Half the things in Hollywood are fake. Anyone can get lipo-suction, or a stomach reduction surgery, or pec muscle implants. Can these people do a pull up? Ten pull ups? Maybe. Probably not. 

I challenge you to turn those negative thoughts around. Instead of projecting those positive comments to others/your Kaia sisters, I want you to radiate all around. This means inside and out. This means that you also give those kudos to yourself for the awesome things you do. How are we ever going to reach our goals if we don't believe in ourselves? We believe in our Kaia sisters - most of you, tell your Kaia sister something positive every day. We believe the words we say to the lady next to us, but how is it, that we don't believe in those same words for ourselves? Why is our self image so skewed that our own words will bounce off us, like we are made of rubber? I'm here to tell you ladies, we are not made of rubber. We are beautiful creations, each unique in this journey called life. Each of us will have different skill sets, and abilities and flaws. This means, no two people are ever going to be the same, so stop comparing yourself to that person next to you. We might compete in Kaia Kup or athletic games every now and then, but don't use that to gauge your self worth. You are more than just your weight on the scale, you are more than your dress size, you are more than how many push-ups or pull-ups you can do. YOU ARE MORE!

Radiate that positive energy inside and out, be kinder to yourself, and you'll see what I mean. Oh and PS:

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Write your goals down

When I dream, I don't remember them unless I write it down as soon as I wake up. It may seem like you will remember because the dream is very vivid and very life-like, but when you're awake, it's gone. So, unless I make a note to myself, they're just floating around in my subconscious. Goals are almost the same. They're just ideas floating around in your head until you write them down and solidify that you want to go after this thing - whatever it may be. Write it down! With our lives being so busy, how are you going to remember them 3 months from now? Get a sticky note - I know most everyone has one - this is America after all, and a pen, and write it down and write "by _____" when. When do you want to accomplish this goal? Do yourself a favor, and place it in a high visual area. When I say, high visual, I mean somewhere you look at/in often. It could be your bathroom mirror (we all have to get ready at some point?), your fridge door, your door frame that you pass to get out the garage door, or in your car. I placed my goal in my car, by the speedometer, covering up the total mileage but not the speedometer (don't speed ladies!).

I don't have a "By _____" this time, but I know the Turkey Trot only comes on Thanksgiving, so it's an assumed "by this date" sort of thing! Good luck in your goals ladies!

Detox Week Tricks & Tips

Sometimes detox can be difficult. In my mindset, it actually feels harder because we do focus on it so much - it's like telling yourself not to look at something - it makes you want to look harder! Nutrition is a lot harder than just working out 5 days a week. It's a 24 hour battle of what I place in my mouth and what I eat. Reading labels in the grocery store, takes time and effort. A good fitness routine has to include fueling your body for performance with healthy, nutritious food.

Here are my few tricks that I employ to have a better Detox week:

1. Out of Sight, out of mind. Cutting out alcohol and soda are the two easiest do because, well, I simply don't buy these things so they are not being seen. If it's not in the fridge, it's not a problem. Get those trouble items out of sight and out of mind! It can be whatever food you have trouble with (not just alcohol and soda). Remove them from your pantry if you have to.

2. Mind over matter. Be conscientious of why you're stuffing another chip in your mouth. Are you actually hungry? Or is it just a habit that you eat, just because you are bored? Or at your desk and that's what you've always done? Break those bad habits! I used to eat the whole apple chips bag which is 2.5 servings when I watch my TV shows, not because I was hungry but because that was my routine. Change that up! For me, I've been munching on a plum or some kind of fruit instead!

3. Grab the water instead! This trick also goes along with tip 2. As an overeater, I used to snack all day long. I wasn't necessarily hungry and it was not necessarily always healthy snacks either. So now, instead of grabbing for those snacks, I grab my water jug. Find a good substitution for those unhealthy snacks! Whether they be a burpee or herbal mint tea - something else to do/drink instead of all those snacks. I'm not saying to starve yourself, but don't snack all afternoon.

4. Include your family. It's so much easier to have my husband Ryan on board than not. Have a chat with your family member(s) so you're not making separate meals for each of you. Trust me! It'll be so much easier to stay on track!

5. Try different salads. When I first started Kaia, I hated eating salads. I asked myself why and came to the realization that it was only one type. So I started ordering different types and found that I liked certain salads and not others. This can be miserable at first but when you like your greens, you will more likely to eat them! Same tip goes for vegetables that maybe you've never tried. How do you know you don't like it? My tip is to 6. try things at least twice. First time you try something might be circumstances - you've had a bad day or there was something else that didn't mix well with it. Second time you try something, maybe try cooking it differently? You should definitely know if you still dislike this specific item. I'm not talking about trying meth twice now - I'm speaking of good healthy greens, veggies and nutritious items. Open up your world of food. It doesn't have to be chicken and asparagus for the rest of your life!