Thursday, October 22, 2015

Bird of Paradise

Okay. So you might have been in my Flow class before and have had to try 'Bird of Paradise' pose before. I'm going to TRY to break it down for you. Although, very funny and definitely amusing, giving yourselves handshakes under your crotch is simply NOT how it's done. :)

We can start in 'Extended Side Angle' pose, where we are in a deep lunge with Right foot in front, Left hand up and over. You are creating one straight line from Left hand to Left foot.

We're going to place that hand that's on top - Left hand to behind your low back for the bind. Left hand to low back will be our BALANCE version. This will work on your leg strength. 

If you want to step up a level, you can reach that Left hand (it's still behind you) towards the lateral or outside your Right hip. At the same time, you will bring your Right hand under Right knee (in front then under). Give yourself a handshake under your thigh (not your crotch!) closer to your Right knee. It can be just fingertips hooking on to each other, or a full handshake. This will be STRENGTH version and will work on leg strength and flexibility.

If you want to step up even further, you can step your back Left foot forward. Root your Left foot into the ground, then lift your Right leg into the air while you are still giving yourself that handshake. When you are steady and ready, straighten your Right leg, with the ultimate goal of pointing your Right foot toes. This will be your KAIA version which will challenge your leg strength, flexibility AND balance!

That's our ultimate goal! It may come as a surprise, but when I started doing yoga (in college, 10+ years ago), I could NOT do this pose! But with time and practice, and definitely patience, I'm working on the Kaia level of this attempting to totally straighten up my leg and point my toes! Practice practice practice! Or in our case, just show up to Flow class!

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