Saturday, October 17, 2015

Be kinder to yourself

One day, after a class I had taught, someone was showing me pictures of their trip they took with another Kaia friend. This Kaia sister of mine was complimenting how beautiful our other Kaia sister was, but when I said, "You look beautiful too. See." She responded, "No, I look fat and terrible." I don't understand how some of us can see beauty in everything/everyone else except in ourselves. I see it all the time in Kaia, where one lady will compliment compliment compliment their Kaia sister, and in the same breath, turn around, say the complete opposite about themselves. 

I'd like to say that I'm immune to this twisted mentality but I'm not. We need to stop being negative, unkind, and hating ourselves ladies. This is good advice to everyone. 

I believe this stems from what we, in a society, value as a whole. As a society, we value thin waists, thin thighs, and big breasts - just look at our celebrities. Just because our society values these things, doesn't mean WE have to value these things. Being thin and weighing like a waifer does not equate to being healthy. Half the things in Hollywood are fake. Anyone can get lipo-suction, or a stomach reduction surgery, or pec muscle implants. Can these people do a pull up? Ten pull ups? Maybe. Probably not. 

I challenge you to turn those negative thoughts around. Instead of projecting those positive comments to others/your Kaia sisters, I want you to radiate all around. This means inside and out. This means that you also give those kudos to yourself for the awesome things you do. How are we ever going to reach our goals if we don't believe in ourselves? We believe in our Kaia sisters - most of you, tell your Kaia sister something positive every day. We believe the words we say to the lady next to us, but how is it, that we don't believe in those same words for ourselves? Why is our self image so skewed that our own words will bounce off us, like we are made of rubber? I'm here to tell you ladies, we are not made of rubber. We are beautiful creations, each unique in this journey called life. Each of us will have different skill sets, and abilities and flaws. This means, no two people are ever going to be the same, so stop comparing yourself to that person next to you. We might compete in Kaia Kup or athletic games every now and then, but don't use that to gauge your self worth. You are more than just your weight on the scale, you are more than your dress size, you are more than how many push-ups or pull-ups you can do. YOU ARE MORE!

Radiate that positive energy inside and out, be kinder to yourself, and you'll see what I mean. Oh and PS:

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