Thursday, October 15, 2015

Write your goals down

When I dream, I don't remember them unless I write it down as soon as I wake up. It may seem like you will remember because the dream is very vivid and very life-like, but when you're awake, it's gone. So, unless I make a note to myself, they're just floating around in my subconscious. Goals are almost the same. They're just ideas floating around in your head until you write them down and solidify that you want to go after this thing - whatever it may be. Write it down! With our lives being so busy, how are you going to remember them 3 months from now? Get a sticky note - I know most everyone has one - this is America after all, and a pen, and write it down and write "by _____" when. When do you want to accomplish this goal? Do yourself a favor, and place it in a high visual area. When I say, high visual, I mean somewhere you look at/in often. It could be your bathroom mirror (we all have to get ready at some point?), your fridge door, your door frame that you pass to get out the garage door, or in your car. I placed my goal in my car, by the speedometer, covering up the total mileage but not the speedometer (don't speed ladies!).

I don't have a "By _____" this time, but I know the Turkey Trot only comes on Thanksgiving, so it's an assumed "by this date" sort of thing! Good luck in your goals ladies!

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