Friday, December 18, 2015

Traveling? Just get to a WALL

Here's a workout you can do as long as you have a wall nearby:

Facing the wall:

12 - Wall push-ups (hands on wall, do a push up)

12 - handstand kick-ups (hands on floor, kick legs up to vertical, alternating lead leg)
12 - volley ball blocks (jump up and touch wall with fingertips)

Get down:

12 - bridge hip raises (facing wall with feet on wall, back to floor, raise hips up)

12 - reach for the sky (facing wall, legs vertical against wall, reaching up for feet)
12 - single leg bridge hip raises Right leg
12 - single leg bridge hip raises Left leg

Going into plank:

12 - plank push-ups (facing away from wall, feet against wall, hands on the ground)

12 - plank to handstands (in plank, facing away from wall, feet against wall, walk feet up so your body becomes vertical)

12 - side plank (in plank but on one forearm in side plank)

1 minute - plank hold (facing away from wall, feet against wall, hands on the ground)

Face away from Wall:

12 - Right leg lift in wall sit (R leg lifts, L leg is 90 degrees, butt & back against wall)
12 - Left leg lift in wall sit
(L leg lifts, R leg is 90 degrees, butt & back against wall)
1 minute - figure 4 Left leg in wall sit
1 minute - figure 4 Right leg in wall sit
12 - R leg lunges (Left foot against wall, Right knee lunging)
12 - L leg lunges (Right foot against wall, Left knee lunging)
1 minute wall sit (both knees 90 degrees, butt & back against wall)

figure 4 @top left picture, wall sit @top right, and single leg lifts @bottom left (single leg lift hold @bottom right)

wall lunges

repeat whole workout x2

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