Friday, February 1, 2019

Today was a good day

Today was definitely long. I had to pay for maintenance for my truck and so there goes my Hawaii spending money. Ha!

Had to make the effort to pick that truck up as soon as I made myself eat breakfast and was ready at 8am. Also I had to find my classroom today as I started school again. I'm going to take it easy but from 9am to 2pm I will be in drawing class on Fridays. I haven't been in school for at least a decade. It was time. Well no. I guess I took Spanish after I graduated but either way. It has been quite some time!

So I had to book it back north after picking up my truck. I figured Safeway would have a sketch book as I wasn't sure what to bring to a drawing class. And got some water there. Made it to TMCC and was only 3 minutes late. If I had looked up the room number while Ry drove me to my truck I would have made it on time but c'est la vie..

I learned about foreshortening.. and sighting.. I have to say.. sighting is kind of hard.. It takes patience. But if you want to be good at it, you need to do it.. it's all about ratios.. how big is this thing next to this thing.. and how many sizes is it away from it.. and what is the angle this thing from that thing.. its neat.. I never thought there would be technique to art.. but of course I never took art.. and took it for granted..until now 😅

Then I had to go home and eat.. and get ready to coach Kaia dance. Coaching dance is so hard at times because you have to know what's next and if you aren't paying attention.. it creeps up on you.. I loved tonight tho.. 80s themed for Hell week.. aptly we ended w my ab song: highway to hell.. hahaha I think that's also 80s song is it not ?

I miss my dad. I know he is physically gone but I also know from days like these where I'm smiling all day that he's looking out and is part of my joy. I finally feel like I'm getting back to my old self again. Today was a long day. It was a scary day. But it was a good day as well.

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