Friday, January 25, 2019

Post coaching high

I wonder if other coaches experience this post coaching high that I seem to be on tonight. It was and still is electric. This feeling that you get when girls are having a blast while working out. I haven't felt it this strong in a good while.

Is it the endorphins of working out? Or is that you are serving others in a way that helps them be better with their health, body, and mind. When I'm being a nurse, I think I'm helping people, but sometimes it feels an awful like being a glorified pill pusher. I always encourage my patients to live a healthier life but sometimes it's like pulling teeth. Someone comes in because they can't breathe. You encourage them to stop smoking but they really just want you to get them over this hump at this moment. When they get home, they will light that cigarette again. But when you're coaching, it's different. It's this real thing. You're helping mold people and their way of looking at their wellbeing. They WANT knowledge about quinoa or essential vitamins and how to squat properly without hurting themselves. They want to be pre emptive about their health and aging - physical, emotional and spiritually. They don't want to stick a bandaid on and be better just for this session. It amazes me how one class can just revive me.

I want more! Let me help you. Let me make you move. I want more. I'm thirsty for more of this healthy lifestyle. Give me more!!!

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