Wednesday, January 9, 2019


It was "benchmark" day today AKA fit test day.. which is reworded so people aren't getting as anxious about getting tested. It is what it is. Pullups today.. 50 pullups in 3:16. 30 on the purple band and 20 on the TRX as rows. I gave myself a break from pullups as as goal from last BRIK. I've definitely regressed as last BRIK I was on the black band or no band. But w anything, if you don't practice you get rusty. We shall conquer them another day. I'll try to keep up w my 10 daily from Ry's pullup contraption. If I ever clean out the Christmas decorations, I'll hang my yoga swing that I got for Christmas in our living room. My mom will have a heart attack if she ever saw it. It would technically be between dining area and living room. I need to get on that! Urgency!

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