Thursday, December 17, 2015

5 Life Altering Mantras We Need to Embrace

1. There is No One Miracle Pill, Fad Diet or Perfect Cure-All. There is just you, hard work, and the WANT to better yourself from yesterday. It took years to get to this point in your life, it will take a little bit of time to undo all those bad habits and nuances.

2. I am more than just a number. I am more than just a number on the scale - which is solely dependent on the gravitation pull of only this planet alone. I am more than just my body weight composition - a man-made number to ill-compare my muscle percentage to my fat percentage. I am more than just my age, my pants size, or the number of pull-up reps I can do. None of these define the person I am, nor my self worth.

3. We are not dogs - food is not a treat. Food is not a punishment either. Don't feel bad if you ate like crap. Just do better next time. On the other hand, don't do a double day of working out, then "treat" yourself to a tub of ice cream.

4.  Love Yourself for you True Self. Love your body and don't apologize! We are all born with different bodies - thin, curvy, tall, pig nose, tiger stripes - (Confession: I have tiger stripes on my butt - as I call stretch marks even though I have not had a child or gone through childbirth). Love your body for what it is. God only made one of you (unless you're an identical twin). One and only. Too many haters out there. You can't be one of those haters. Love yourself because if you don't, no one will.

5. Life's too Short to Not Enjoy. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Working out is supposed to be hard work, but it can also be fun. Not all workouts are at the gym. Ever raced a friend to the top of the stairs? Ever gone rollerskating with your kids? Mother nature can provide a cheap(er) jungle gym if you let her. Hiking, exploring, fishing, gardening, swimming in Lake Tahoe, building a snow fort up at Mt. Rose when there's snow, taking your dog for a walk, kayaking, stand up paddle-boarding, going over to Lawlor Events Center and running up and down their stairs, ice blocking (also near Lawlor), jump roping with your kids, heck, just power-walking in the neighborhood - whatever the activity is, it doesn't have to be mundane and it doesn't have to be conventional - like in a gym. My motto: Work hard, Play harder.

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