Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Balancing Half Moon Pose



Starting with Crescent Lunge, all toes facing forward, nice deep lunge, a 90 degree angle to Left knee, back Right heel is lifted. Arms up, biceps by ears.

1. With the Left foot forward, inhale and step forward into the Left foot, straightening the Left leg (don't lock knees - have slight bend so you're not passing out).

At the same time lifting up and straightening the Right leg parallel to the floor. Flex that Right foot - meaning have it flat so that the bottom of your foot is facing the back wall.

This picture has the lady on her Right foot, lifting Left leg

2. Staring at a point on the floor, place the Left palm directly under the Left shoulder (Modification: if you are not reaching the ground, place a yoga block here) and carefully bring the Right hand to the Right hip. Roll or open the Right hip up and back so the hips face the side wall.

3. Inhale the Right fingertips up towards the ceiling. Arms should be aligned into one straight line. If you have neck injuries, gaze/head is to face the side wall. If no injuries, and WHEN you have your balance and steady, try having g
aze towards the ceiling past Right hand Work on turning the whole torso to face the side wall.

Modify by doing this pose near a wall so your back is neatly against the wall.

4. Breathe and hold for 3-5 breaths.

5. To release: exhale and slowly bring both hands back to the floor and step the foot back into Crescent Lunge.

6. Repeat on other side.

Benefits: Half Moon pose improves balance, focus, concentration, digestion, and confidence. This posture opens the hips and strengthens the ankles, knees and lower body. Helps with anxiety, back pain, osteoporosis, sciatica, fatigue, constipation, gastritis, indigestion, menstrual pain and I'm sure many more. This pose also helps relieves stress.

Contraindications: Recent or chronic injury to the legs, hips, shoulders, neck or back. H
ead should be lower than heart in optimal form of this pose, so please don't attempt if you have low blood pressure, or currently experiencing headaches.

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