Friday, December 11, 2015

Snow games are afoot!

With snow on the ground, getting outside is a great way to have some fun while burning some calories. You also don't need to have children to enjoy the winter activities. Go play outside! Just make sure to bundle up!

- go snowboarding ($$)
- go skiing ($$)
- sledding ($)
- snow-mobiling ($$)
- snow-shoeing ($)
- walk dogs in said snow (free)
- shovel your driveway (mostly free)
- build a snowman (free)
- make a snow-angel (free)
- build a snow fort (free)
- build a snow doghouse 
- have a snowball fight with friends or family (free)
- make a snow sculpture (mostly free)
- crush snow sculpture (free)
- have a snowball fight w friends using snow-forts and crushing each other's snowmen (priceless)

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