Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Be present

Be present. A piece of advice I heard but never understood. In a world full of technological advances, it's funny that we lose the ability to be present and in the moment. Our digital age dictates that we have information at the touch of our fingertips. We can connect to each other globally with just our smart phones. But does that hinder or retard our ability to connect face to face?

I see it all the time. Just go to any restaurant or eat-in place. People could be having lunch with a friend they haven't seen in a while, maybe even having a heart-to-heart, but some people choose to be stare into their phones throughout their meals. Yes, you can talk and Facebook at the same time, but are you really present in the conversation? As compared to when you aren't staring at a screen?

Be in the moment. In all things in life. In all instances where you can connect with someone.

Be here and now.

That goes for dinner at the dinner table, and for our work outs. When you are working out, be working out. Don't let your mind wander to your grocery lists. Listen, that list will still be after your one hour workout. Be present in body and in mind. That time you were spending thinking about that outfit for your holiday party, you could have easily transitioned into your next exercise and done one, maybe two more sets. That adds up in your hour. Be in the now. I used to hate hearing that in yoga back in college. I didn't get it back then. I always thought, What the heck am I doing?! I am in the now, I wouldn't be physically here if I wasn't in the now. But your body can be in one place and your mind another. You might have heard me in Kaia Flow say this before but please leave everything at the door. I'm not saying, never talk to your neighbor during our workouts, but I am saying, focus your attention to the matter in front of you. If you're at work, be at work. If you're having lunch with a friend, spend that time with your friend (not on Facebook or Twitter). If you're in your workout, be there in your workout, focused, and ready to work it out! Your body will appreciate it in the end and you'll decrease your chances for injury if your paying attention.

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